The Priory of Sion-a European secret society founded in 1099-is a real organization.
The Da Vinci Code is a novel, and it might have stayed on the bestseller charts for only a few weeks had it not been for the brief statement at the beginning that makes a number of assertions about the “facts” Brown used to structure the plot. Their search leads them into encounters with the very real Catholic organization Opus Dei and a somewhat fictionalized organization, the Priory of Sion, the protector of a historical secret that is threatened to be lost to humankind.

Langdon, who specializes in art and symbology, attains the assistance of a cryptologist, and the pair begin a search through the symbols found in the art works of Leonardo da Vinci. Hero Robert Langdon, a Harvard professor introduced in Brown’s earlier novel Angels and Demons, begins an investigation of the murder of the curator of the Louvre museum in France, whose body has been found next to an enigmatic cipher. The plot of The Da Vinci Code is fairly straightforward.
That controversy reached a new stage when the movie version of the book was released in May 2006.

It also became the center of an international controversy concerning the substance of the reputed factual material woven into the fabric of the plot, material that many saw as an attack upon Christianity in general and the Roman Catholic Church in particular. Within two years Dan Brown’s novel had been translated into more than forty languages and sold more than twenty-five million copies. In 2003, a writer of popular thriller novels suddenly emerged from relative obscurity when his novel The Da Vinci Code, originally published as a paperback, became an international bestseller. The Da Vinci Code (religion, spiritualism, and occult)